THE 10 best tummy TIME toys TO captivate YOUR BABY’S attention

one of the best things you can do with your little one to strengthen their muscles when they are just a baby is tummy time. When my kids were just babies, I spent a good amount of time researching tummy time toys and purchased some that were perfect for my family.  

Even though tummy time is important for a baby’s growth, most of the time babies do not like to be on their bellies. That said, tummy time toys are designed with the purpose to distract your little one, while they spend time strengthening their neck muscles. 

Like most products marketed for our babies, there are hundreds of options, which can be very overwhelming. worry NO more parents, because we have compiled a list of some of the best tummy time toys on the market. 

The 10 best tummy Time Toys

The Play gym by LOVEVERY

A play gym is probably one of the best things you can get for your baby’s tummy time. This Parents’ choice award-winning play gym from Lovevery includes everything that your child needs in an activity gym and play mat. designed by child development experts and crafted with safe, healthy, and durable materials this gym covers it all.

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Tummy Time baby Water mat from Walmart 

My spouse and I purchased this water mat for our daughter when we were trying to get her more excited for tummy time. The bright colors and appealing sea animals will keep your baby playing for a long time. This mat is the perfect educational and sensory toy for babies needing some extra tummy time.

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Tummy Time floor Mirror from Bed bath & Beyond

During tummy time, it is terrific to have some fun toys like this floor mirror from Bed bath & beyond to distract your little one. This cute soft frame mirror is the perfect addition for your baby’s environment, and the easel back allows the mirror to stand on flat surfaces and reflect their stunning face back at them.

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Baby Einstein glow & discover Light Bar from Target 

This is another one of our favorite tummy-time toys that both my son and daughter were obsessed with during their baby years. This toy makes tummy time fun and engaging with its bright lights and sounds with three different modes including animal sounds, colors, and xylophone sounds.

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Be on the Sea activity floor mat By Crate and Barrel 

This marine-themed baby activity mat lets your baby explore the wonders of the seven seas from the comfort of the nursery. another amazing mat to choose for your little one features a school of embroidered sea creatures and soft padding.

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Tiny super Play mat from Target 

This extra-large play mat from Target features a developmental playground of fun activities and discovery for your baby. Not only is this tummy time toy optimal for home, but it also is easy to fold up and take with you to the beach, park, or wherever!

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Taf toys Koala infant tummy Time toy from Amazon

This two-sided soft baby book actually covers two developmental stages in your baby’s beginning months. The book stands up by itself to help encourage tummy time play and is optimal for your child’s when they graduate to a sitting position.

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Prop-A-Pillar tummy Time & Seated support from Target 

This cute, colorful toy is not just perfect for tummy time but it also transforms into a secure seat positioner. It includes a peek & see mirror to engage your little one with their own reflection and also contains BPA-free silicone perfect for teething.

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Animal pals classic activity from Pottery Barn Kids 

This activity gym from Pottery Barn kids entertains and stimulates your baby during tummy time; it even features five multi-sensory hanging toys and 13 loops to hang toys high and/or low. The neutral color scheme also allows it to be the perfect addition to any nursery. 

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Deep space tummy Time toy from Crate and Barrel 

Crate and Barrel’s deep space toy takes your child’s tummy time to a new level of fun! There is so much for your baby to discover with this little space traveler toy. including a mirror, squeaker, and other features to help stimulate baby’s senses during their tummy time play.

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The 10 best tummy Time Toys

The Play gym by LOVEVERY
Tummy Time baby Water mat from Walmart 
Tummy Time floor Mirror from Bed bath & Beyond
Baby Einstein glow & discover Light Bar from Target
Be on the Sea activity floor mat By Crate and Barrel 
Tiny super Play mat from Target 
Taf toys Koala infant tummy Time toy from Amazon
Prop-A-Pillar tummy Time & Seated support from Target 
Animal pals classic activity from Pottery Barn Kids 
Deep space tummy Time toy from Crate and Barrel

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Pin for Later- the best 10 tummy Time Toys 

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उफ्युमी समय बच्चाको बृद्धिको लागि महत्त्वपूर्ण छ, तर प्राय: जसो बच्चाहरू उनीहरूको पेटमा बन्न मन पराउँदैनन्। त्यसकारण स्वामीको समयका खेलौनाहरू वास्तवमै महत्त्वपूर्ण छन्। तिनीहरू आफ्नो सानो अलमल्याउन डिजाइन गरिएको छ, जबकि तिनीहरूले आफ्नो घाँटीको मांसपेशीहरूलाई सुदृढ पार्टनर बिताउँछन्।

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पेट समय तपाईको बच्चाको पहिलो हप्ता घरको रूपमा सुरु गर्न सकिन्छ। -5- minutes मिनेट बृद्धिबाट सुरू गर्नुहोस् र बल प्राप्त गर्ने समयको मात्रा बढाउँनुहोस्।

म मेरो बच्चालाई पेटको समयमा कसरी मनोरञ्जन गर्छु?

पेट समय रमाईलो बनाउनुहोस्! त्यहाँ छनौट गर्न धेरै पेटी टाइम खेलहरू छन् र यो आमा वा बुबाको लागि मूल्यवान हुन सक्छ। तपाईं यसलाई आफ्नो बच्चाको ध्यान पक्रन पेटको समय खेलौनाहरू प्रयोग गरेर यो गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।

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