ON BEING A sexy MAMA, instead OF just A mama

another post from Shana, who seems to have unlimited energy to explore ways to feel good and look good at the same time. Don’t be frightened off by her bold tips! read closely for concrete suggestions. That’s what we love about our special guest from Ain’t No mother Jeans.

Sexy Mama: 4 techniques To increase Your sexy Factor

When the topic of sex (or sexy) comes up, I always find it helpful to chat with my husband. Not only does he always have an opinion on this topic, but it is typically something very easy and to the point. When asked what “items” a mother could wear to look sexier, his reaction (after the eye-roll) can best be summarized by the punch-line of the old joke: “Show up naked. Bring beer.”

But….the problem, as I see it, is that sexiness is just as much about a feeling as it is about a certain look. Yes, we can show up naked (with beer), and we love that you men just look past poochy stomaches and saggy boobs and merely focus on the fun that’s about to start….but for us (or me, at least) it’s not कस्तो सजिलो। I need to feel it.

Sexiness is really all about feeling delicious. Sexiness is very different from pretty. Sexiness doesn’t require perfection (thank GOD). Sexiness is something that all women can achieve, regardless of body type, looks, or age. It just requires that we get our head in the game.

Oh, oh.

As moms, getting our head in the game can be the hardest part. We’re focused on the kiddos, we’re focused on the house, the chores, or trying to remember something that we know we’ve forgotten. and while I do believe sexiness (or feeling delicious) is a state of mind, there are a couple of tricks we can try to help us get our head in the game. here are my top four:

1. wear a sexy Bra. and (gasp!) matching Panties

Sexy bras are not nude. sexy bras do not have insanely thick straps. sexy bras are never called “t-shirt bras”. sexy bras do not cover so much of the bust region that you can touch your chin to the cup. sexy bras come in beautiful colors, have a bit of lace or ribbon or something, and are available in all sizes, for all moms.

Nursing? Bella Materna’s French lace Nursing Bra is beautiful and comfortable. I can personally vouch for the fabulousness. I wore my first one so often I had to purchase another.

Large bust? check out Victoria’s secret full cup collection, or HerRoom.com (see below for much more info).

Flat chest? try the Occhi Verdi by La Perla line (it’s a lower cost La Perla line). They make some beautiful triangle bras.

Lastly, HerRoom.com has the best navigation of any lingerie site I’ve seen, and the brand list is staggering. You can select your exact size (and count on me, they have every size, from size 0 to a 56DDD), then, once all of the bras load, you can use their navigation at the left to refine further. You can then decide to narrow down to only the lace bras in your specified size, or only the push-up, etc. It’s fantastic.

And don’t forget the panties.

2. rock the Men’s t-shirt look (pictured above)

A women slipping into a man’s white button down is just so classically sexy. It’s easy to do from the comfort of your home, a bit harder to do if you plan to go out in public. here are a few tricks:

Look for your husband’s many sheer, lightweight shirt. You want something that floats over you, and something that is a bit sheer, to show a hint of your shape underneath.

If your hubby’s t-shirt isn’t going to work, purchase your own men’s shirt. Again, look for something a bit sheer, in 100% cotton. stretch dress t-shirts just don’t have the best drape for this look. Banana Republic always seems to have Men’s size small dress t-shirts on sale for $20.

Don’t be scared to check out the boy’s department. If you have very long arms, however, you are better off in the men’s department.

Also try a women’s button down t-shirt in a larger size. My current favorite men’s t-shirt look is achieved with a J. crew women’s button down that I purchased on sale, several sizes too big.

Layer your man’s t-shirt over a pair of skinny jeans or leggings paired with tall flat boots, like Kira Knightly, here. Or, wear with bootcut jeans, heels and some layered necklaces.

3. Boobs, Boobs, Boobs

You got ’em. flaunt ’em….subtly. My favorite trick is to wear a low v-neck t-shirt with a delicate necklace that hangs just at the top of my cleavage. It’s the “You look different, better somehow, but I can’t put my finger on it” vibe. The proper length for this necklace will vary from person-to-person, but it’s typically around 21 inches, much longer than many necklaces. Take your favorite little pendant to a jeweler and have them create the best chain for you. It doesn’t need to be very fancy or flashy. For example,  Gorjana’s Vine cluster necklace would be just enough shine to draw the eye.

5. Legs, Legs, Legs

For sexiness, this formula never fails:  lots of leg + Stiletto heels.

But this combo strikes worry in numerous momहृदयहरू। त्यसोभए तपाईंको अर्को मिति रातको लागि, Â कृपया निम्नलिखित दिमागमा राख्नुहोस्:

अपारदर्शी कालो टाईट्सले धेरै खुट्टा पाप क्षमा गर्दछ। र अपारदर्शी कालो टाईट्स कालो स्टिल्टोको साथ जोडी (यो टख्त बुट, पम्पहरू, ग्लासेटरहरू) व्यावहारिक रूपमा केहि पनि देखिन्छ।

छोटो हेमलारिनहरू थोरै प्रशस्त, फूलको शीर्षहरूको साथ उत्तम देखिन्छन्। A-Wint शीर्ष वा बच्चाडल शीर्षहरू राम्रो छनौटहरू हुन्। र सम्झनुहोस्: A-Reine वा बच्चाडल शीर्षहरू पूची पेट लुकाउँछ।

आफ्नो खुट्टालाई घृणा गर्नुहुन्छ? सेक्सी ढाँचा र स्टिलटिटोहरू तपाईंको पेन्सिल स्कर्टको साथ प्रयास गर्नुहोस्। तातो।

Stilttos: Â कुराकानी योग्य छैन। सबै महिलाहरू एक जोडी हुनु पर्छ। तपाईं व्यवस्थापन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। स्टिलिटहरू अग्लो, अग्लो, पातलो हिलको साथ जुत्ताहरू हुन्। तिनीहरू क्रिस्ट छैनन्, वा 1 “एक्सलको साथ कुनै जुत्ता। स्टिलिटोस शुद्ध यौन हुन्। तपाईं, तथापि, आरामदायक स्टिलटिटो फेला पार्न सक्नुहुन्छ। मसँग राम्रो भाग्य थियो (सान्त्वना विभागमा) अनुमानमा, बेटस जोनसन, र लक्ष्यको ग्लेडियर जुत्तामा।

त्यसैले यी तरिकाहरू प्रयास गर्नुहोस्। यदि तपाईंको सुन्दर ब्रा र स्टिलटो हिलहरू तपाईंको दिमागलाई तपाईंको अर्को मिति रातमा बच्चाहरूमा फिर्ता लिन पर्याप्त छैनन् भने, जे भए पनि, हामी तपाईंलाई सेक्सी पुलिस पठाउनु पर्छ। वा कम्तिमा पोशाक।



फोटो: हेलगोसहरू! फ्लिकरमा

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